zinc is a micro element that plays an important role in the flowering and fruitset process. When zinc is immobile in the vine, symptoms first show up in the younger leaves. When vines are deficient in zinc, the leaves begin to mottle and the petiolar sinus begins to...
Barossa Valley! – Be on the lookout for first generation 1st to 3rd instar larvae inside the shoot tips, moving down the shoot into upper leaves and visible bunches. Eden Valley! – First generation Light Brown Apple Moth egg mass hatch has occurred. First...
Two recent rainfall events have sparked a possible downy mildew primary infection. Unprotected early burst varieties are at risk. If in Doubt… Call the Vine...
Adult Bud Mites have produced many small bud mite larvae inside primary bud just past the woolly bud stage, Grapevine EL Stage 3 to 4. Finding larvae at this growth stage emphasizes the importance of implementing Bud Mite Control measures when the buds are just...